Saturday, April 3, 2010

From SMCC Tour Blogger Andy Link: We're Here!

After nearly 14 hours on a plane, and 20 hours since we left the choir room, San Marino Chamber Choir has finally touched down in Madrid! Torn between excitement and overwhelming exhaustion, our beloved Chamber family filed out of the Lufthansa jet into the Spanish castle of an airport ready to tackle all of the wonderful challenges that await us!
As we eagerly awaited the arrival of our long lost baggage, we couldn't help but recollect the beauty we encountered as we flew in. Staring in awe out of the pumpkin-sized windows onto the vast Spanish countryside lanced here and there with islands of light, some of us wondered whether this was truly our destination and not just some figment of our imagination.But sure enough we all fell back down to reality, pleasantly to find reality was even more beautiful than we imagined. Plagued with weakness, and in some cases (Paola Calatayud-Serna) minor insanity, we all wait eagerly, watching other people's luggage spin round and round the carousel. Why are our bags always the ones that come last?! Oh well... Here at last!!

Fun facts so far:
Paola is going bald, Matt Hsieh only has 4 pairs of underwear left, Mr. Fouche is forbidden from singing AND dancing, Adrian can't get over the lisp. Chris is having a blast, and Alysha packed a refrigerator, and the Wu twins have yet to go to the bathroom separated from each other (Eric also has a half-shaved mustache).

1 comment:

  1. Why is Paola going bald?
    Excellent writing by Andy! Your English teachers would be proud!
    Good idea to keep Mr. Fouche from singing or dancing...
    Please help Michelle keep track of her cow pillow.
    Watch out for Cheryl and Will and their motion sickness. Eat ginger candy!
    Have a great performance in Madrid!
    Big hugs from Michelle's Mom...<3
